Oh, the British.

Having had one of those great days in the office with my American colleagues, where I was yet again questioning the sanity of leaving a six figure City job to live a frugal life sailing around the world, all it took was 26 pages in this month's Yachting World to make me realise how much I can't wait to leave this place.

In the course of those 26 pages, the magazine bemoaned the disappearance of astro navigation and lavished praise on the ridiculous twat-and-pomp-fest that is the Royal Yacht Squadron - bear in mind this is the same publication that has continuously questioned the safety of GPS and electronic flares, and whose editor appeared at a well-attended Bluewater Cruising Seminar and had the cheek to tell everyone to "be careful of younger crew, as they're likely to fall asleep on watch". When I say everyone, I mean a room full of geriatrics who would struggle to go through an average night without having to empty their colostomy bags umpteen times.

The great British empire is over, yet they cling on to their once brilliant/now pitiful military, appalling weather (seasons? ha!) and the past that is well, that past. Astro navigation is outdated, GPS is the future (the world accepts it, so why can't the British?), any form of progress in leisure boating, and if I have to deal with one more "I'm off shooting / yachting / etc this weekend" twat, I'll break his red trouser wearing legs.

Yes, I have made some amazing friends in my time here but after eleven long years, we're leaving in 9.5 weeks and I, for one, couldn't be happier.

/off to the boat tomorrow to continue preparing it for our trip....
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