2 months to go....

Holy sh*t - two months to go today. Can you believe it? I sure can't. I've had a countdown going on our white board at the flat since it was 90-odd weeks to go, and now we're just 2 months away from departure.

This is the big weekend coming up - our move weekend. I have a mate coming up from Cornwall to help this weekend (and also to get some work done on the boat over the coming month) so we're hoping for a run to Cowes on Saturday, fuel up, then back to Chichester Harbour for a night on the hook, before motoring in to the new marina at lunchtime on Monday.

The new marina have also said they might not be able to haul us out straight away, so I've re-jigged our final "to-do" lists so we're still on track for a May 19 departure. For those interested, here's what's left to do:

- Paint deck, wheelhouse, railings and bootstripe
- 4 coats of anti-foul
- Re-do the standing rigging and fit mast steps
- Move the wheelhouse helm (steering) to the aft deck and sort out the stiff rudder
- Fit rope cutters, new anodes,
- Fix the anchor and steaming lights
- Fit 6 new house batteries
- Have a big ol' clean out and clean up of everything

It seems like a big list, but it's really not. A lot of the jobs are quite easy and I think it's an indication of the amount of work we've done so far, that the above list seems like nothing.

Anyway, the clock is now really starting to tick. Update to follow.

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