The End of Summer...

September 5th, 29 degrees (Celcius that is) - rain and thunderstorms forecast for the next few week or so. Is the end of summer upon us?

The boat continues of course. Engineer came out, flushed engine, I made some changes, engineer came out again to check those changes, ran them both up - all systems go!

The to-do list is shrinking and growing on a weekly basis - movable objects have been more-or-less secured in preparation for sea trials and the electrics slightly reworked to remove reliance on shore power.

Sea trials were set to commence two weeks ago but with a storm forecast for the Saturday, the decision was made to wait for a better window. Saturday came around and we saw the grand total of 8kts.... ugh. Ah well, there's a busy five weekends coming up then it's time for another crack at taking it out.

I've also enlisted some outside help to assist with finishing the boat off; a good mate of mine does amazing woodwork and painting, so much of the outdoor work has been handed over to him to get it done before the great British winter sets in. I've also been looking at diesel heaters - the whole point of the wheelhouse was to use the boat year round - so watch this space. We'll see what deals they're doing at the boatshow (next weekend!)

Update to follow....
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