Update Time....

Time for another update methinks. So... what's happened since May? Quite a lot really, although having to return to work has meant I've not had a chance to post many updates.

From the top then - this is how the boat looked externally at the start of the summer. 99% finished on the painting (just the boot stripe and porthole surrounds to go).

The interior is coming along nicely as well - those cushions still need final finishing, but it's getting there...

Interior again... clean this time!

And again...

And the galley (granted, I probably should have done the dishes prior to taking this photo).

Nav station

Aft deck - those boxes are Acacia wood and will shortly be bolted to the lower railing.

I still need to fit a chain / wire railing across that entrance gap...

Double wind-gens mounted.

And davits.

That's not all tho - frustratingly, the new starboard engine developed a problem last week, whereby it sucked in a considerable amount of water after shutdown, and drained it into the engine. Not good. A hurried call to an engineer later and they had it drained and will be resolving the installation issue - the frustrating bit being, I paid the resident boat yard engineer good money to check my install and ensure it was 100% safe / appropriate.

Still, no / minimal damage done, so still on for a maiden voyage soon. Watch this space.
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