South Coast UK

So.... what's been happening this past week? Well, after leaving the great folks at Emsworth Yacht Harbour (by far the BEST marina I've ever stayed in - helpful office staff, great facilities, lovely surroundings. There was quite a waiting list last time we checked to keep a boat there full time but if you're in the area, drop Neil a line and he'll do whatever he can to help), we started making our way down the UK south coast.

Our first night was spent at Cowes, before fuelling up and heading west to Lulworth Cove. Lauren's done a video on it (which will get posted soon) but wow, what a bad night. Very rolly anchorage bordering the UK army live fire range meant we had a looooong night.

Anyway, after that debacle we motored across to Portland Hbr which had minimal facilities, but was a HUGE harbour with plenty of depth where we could just anchor up and get settled for a couple of days.

We were due to meet a friend of ours in Brixham, so at 0400 on my birthday, we duly up anchored and motored 53nm (or 10 hours) there. Such a quaint fishing harbour that was lovely when we arrived and went out to explore, but annoyingly turned very rolly when the wind changed direction *just* before we headed to bed, after which ensued much re-anchoring and attempts to get some sleep. I tell you, it really irks me all the harbours on the south coast are either a.) expensive (£52 a night!!) or b.) have so many moorings you can't anchor even if you wanted to.

Anyways, we went for another wander around Brixham this morn then motored 4 hours to Salcombe, where we're now sitting in a perfect river anchorage. Sure, there's no facilities and it's going to cost us £9 to be here for the night, but at least we should be able to finally catch up on that sleep. More photos to follow!
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