
Another week, more progress.

First up was replacing a check valve from the forward shower drain sump. This failed last week meaning the sump was continually back flooding, all due to a £2 part. The replacements arrived and were popped in relatively easily - possibly the worst part of the job though was the smell. This sump is also our galley sink drain, and no matter how hard we try, there's always one or two bits of food that goes down the sink. Add to that warm temperatures in the boat, constant sloshing around whilst sailing and the sump only being opened once a year, and I'm sure you can imagine what awaited us. Anyways, that little project is now done for another few years.

(Since the sump made for a terrible picture, he's a nice sunrise instead).

Next up was building the new storage lockers / seats on the aft deck. The original plan was to frame them out of aluminium, then cover with ally sheet. That idea was binned within about five minutes due to the pain of bending ally angle, so instead we got ourselves some structural ply sheet and used that for the facing, along with some ally angle for framing. Four tubes of 5200 later, we were in business.

I needed a break after all that fun so we ran the new gas hose through 10m of hydraulic sheathing and connected it to the back of the cooker. Next it was run through the hull and up to where it'll connect to the outside locker - that's a project we should get done this coming weekend.

Last up was painting the boxes with primer. Two coats later and I have some sanding and fairing to do this coming weekend, as well as building the lids and repainting them white, but for all intents and purposes they're "built".

So not much progress this weekend as the boxes were so time consuming to put together, but there's another three day weekend ahead and coupled with going to the boat show (and hopefully some renewed enthusiasm), next week's update should be much more interesting....

34 weeks to go.
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