Wind and rain..

The big job this weekend was to re-seal the mizzen (aft) mast boot as it was leaking a rather ridiculous amount. When I say ridiculous, our last trip back from Cowes + 2 more days of rain produced two full saucepans off rain water inside the wheelhouse. Not good. Anyways, Friday and Saturday both had cracking weather planned so out came the Worx tool and off came the existing surround. It became pretty clear quite quickly where the issue was, so 1 x tube of 5200 and 6 x pieces of mahogany later, it's looking pretty bullet proof. Added to that, this new mast surround has some pretty heavy wedges in it so the mast should be sitting pretty for some time.

Now, given that first job went so well (a first for a boat project), I thought we'd tackle the wind gen conundrum. Surprisingly, the wind gen mount came down quite easily, the wind gens went on and the wiring ran quite easily, then up she went without too many issues. Crazy.

This coming weekend will be the finishing off of the system, with the wiring to be run through a gland, down the mast, under the floor and into the regulators. Awesome.

Anyways, summer is definitely on the way and it was quite a successful weekend of boat work. Another issue has added itself to the list - the roller booms aren't allowing us to fully tension the foot of the sail, but we'll look into that this coming weekend, as well as attending the 2 day Bluewater Boat Show. Our next trip out is for the Round the Island Race on the 20th - 22nd June, then out to Brighton the following weekend (27th - 29th June).

56 weeks to go....
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