Waiting for a weather window

Yes, it's Lauren. I can't believe another update is due after almost another week has gone by.

At the moment we are primarily waiting for a weather window to cross Biscay. We are hoping for a solid 5 days of good weather, as Biscay is notoriously rocky in the wrong conditions. While we wait, we have been crossing off jobs.

The spray hood and cover is mostly all done, a few more zips to be stitched on and access panels created for the winches, then it'll be finished.

The sails we sent off to be turned into slab reefing have returned. I have been scrubbing them clean on the pontoon ready for when we put them back up.

One of the most dreaded jobs is cleaning out the shower drain pump. This is a box - for those who don't know - that drains out the kitchen sink and pumps it over board. The pump had been taking far too long draining and it was about due for it's annual clean. 
Inside the box was disgusting. It was full of fat. Now, we're normally very good about cleaning off fat from pans before we wash them, but a few dregs must have escaped our notice. The amount of fat must have been building up gradually and the result you'll see below. 

That picture doesn't even begin to convey the smell. I held febreeze over Nathan's head while he used rubber gloves to scoop out the fat into a bowl. I then had the job of carefully running the full bowl through the boat and over the side; careful not to spill a drop and leave the smell hanging around for the next few weeks.

The weather has been a form of entertainment recently; some crazy looking storm clouds passed over our heads yesterday, and surprisingly no rain followed. It felt like something out of 'Twister'.

And this was the front this morning as we watched a band of rain come creeping towards us. 

But it's not all hard work. We also have time to treat ourselves, like pulled pork and chips for dinner and regular doses of pancakes. Last night our friends 'Irreversible' had us over for a lovely lasagne while we discussed (and moaned) about the next leg of our journey.

Next week we are going out for a few sails, including a night sail, so that when the weather window comes, the boat and ourselves will be ready to go.
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