Haul out!

Where to start this week.... it's Monday night and I'm sitting back on the couch at our flat, in my dressing gown, ready for bed. At 5:30pm.

The weekend promised to be manic from the start - a haul out scheduled for Fri morn, then rigging, steering, and everything under the water needing to be cleaned up / fixed. Alas, it wasn't to be. After spending Thurs night prepping for hauling out, we were told bright & early on Friday morning it wasn't going to happen. Instead, we cracked on with pulling apart half the rigging and I started moving the steering from the wheelhouse to the aft deck.

The steering proved to be tough - the steering columns were relatively easy to run, but I had to cut, weld and re-fit each of them as well as siting the bevel boxes. Anyways, it took up 2 days of my time and was pretty brutal. On the plus side, it works a treat.

After all that fun, we kept working on the rigging and found half our new terminals aren't going to work. Ugh. On the plus side, the new marina has a rigger who'll do them for £20 a shot instead. Cool.

We were told 07:00 Monday morning we'd be hauling out and sure enough, by 09:30 we were out. Moving the boat with the aft deck steering and engine controls was significantly easier than last time we moved around a marina; the only drama now being the engines are a bit smoky and the port engine put out a rather large puff of white smoke. Hmmmm.

Anyways, after a few attempts they managed to get the hoist slings beneath the boat, hauled us out, then moved us up to where we'll spend the next 5 weeks. Grant's currently down there tidying up the rig (they lowered it just after I left), and I dropped in our rudder bearing and stock for rework as it's bent and stiff turning to port.

Anyways, this coming weekend I'll be fitting the mast steps, doing all the bottom work on the boat (watermaker thru hull, bootstripe and touch up paint) and prepping the rig for being refitted.

5 weeks to go.

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