What should I call today's post?

Quite an apt post title, given the events of the past 24 hours. You see, after a long 24 hours of sailing, my brain is absolutely dead.

I digress. Bank holiday weekend here in the UK (we get Monday off) and whilst these are normally known for a lack of sunshine and mass amounts of rain, sunshine was predicted instead. We picked up the afternoon tide yesterday (Saturday), left Chichester Harbour and made our way over to the Hamble, via Southampton Water. Now, this whole shebang almost didn't happen as the starboard engine (the one & same that flooded with seawater when it was 2 hours old) decided to spring up an oil leak, but we pressed on and with the tide and most of the sail up, made good time.

The Hamble is a loooooooong river that comes off Southampton Water and having by now dodged a number of coasters and oil tankers, it was time to moor up on a visitor's pontoon and hit the pub.

Cue this morning. Time to go. This would be Lauren's and my first trip out in a long time just by ourselves (we've generally taken crew, given it's an untested boat) so first thing this morn, off we set.

Same issue with the starboard engine and the wind was dead on the nose, so motoring only, but we still made good time and having arrived in Chichester Harbour again, dropped the hook for a bit of anchoring practice before coming back into the marina. 

Which is where we sit, now in glorious sunshine.

Now, the engines. The port one is 26hrs old and has a very, very small leak at the sump gasket (very, very small). The starboard one however has what appears to be the same leak all the way around the sump gasket, plus the oil filter spun off quite easily in my hand. Not good. Also, the starboard engine runs at 105psi when first starting (drops to 80psi after a while) and also runs 20C hotter. I'm emailing the manufacturer now and will see what they say......
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