Another weekend, another few projects ticked off the list.
First up, gas! I finished plumbing in the gas cooker on Thursday eve, switched it on, and reveled in the joys of being able to heat something up without waiting 45 minutes. Brilliant. In the end I skipped on fitting the 12V remote shut off; this is partly down to how easy it is to access the bottles and shut them off, and we also have four gas sensors fitted plus nose mk 1.
Next up was building a box to go beneath the stubby steering pedestal. I had considered having the pedestal extended, but then fitting a set of morse controls to it would have been painful..... Anyway, having raided the local ally boat builder's scrap area, we built a rather sturdy box and whacked a couple of coats of primer on it. All going to plan, we'll fit it this coming weekend.
What else.... the entrance area needed some wood trim and epoxy primer, so we knocked that off this weekend as well.
Final bit of panelling was added to the top of the aft deck boxes.
And the clutches attached to the aft of the wheelhouse roof. Winches to be added this weekend.
And one of the wind gens was removed as frankly, two was overkill and I had a buyer for the second one.
Anyway, I'm spending the next few weeks crunching through some big projects - fitting the watermaker, Aries, cleaning the bottom and putting on a coat of anti-foul to see us through the winter, etc etc. After that, it's off to spend two weekends doing my Day Skip (to then get the newly required ICC...) and I believe a November trip to either Lymington or Brighton is in the offing. Will be good to head out again.
31 weeks to go....
First up, gas! I finished plumbing in the gas cooker on Thursday eve, switched it on, and reveled in the joys of being able to heat something up without waiting 45 minutes. Brilliant. In the end I skipped on fitting the 12V remote shut off; this is partly down to how easy it is to access the bottles and shut them off, and we also have four gas sensors fitted plus nose mk 1.
Next up was building a box to go beneath the stubby steering pedestal. I had considered having the pedestal extended, but then fitting a set of morse controls to it would have been painful..... Anyway, having raided the local ally boat builder's scrap area, we built a rather sturdy box and whacked a couple of coats of primer on it. All going to plan, we'll fit it this coming weekend.
What else.... the entrance area needed some wood trim and epoxy primer, so we knocked that off this weekend as well.
Final bit of panelling was added to the top of the aft deck boxes.
And the clutches attached to the aft of the wheelhouse roof. Winches to be added this weekend.
And one of the wind gens was removed as frankly, two was overkill and I had a buyer for the second one.
Anyway, I'm spending the next few weeks crunching through some big projects - fitting the watermaker, Aries, cleaning the bottom and putting on a coat of anti-foul to see us through the winter, etc etc. After that, it's off to spend two weekends doing my Day Skip (to then get the newly required ICC...) and I believe a November trip to either Lymington or Brighton is in the offing. Will be good to head out again.
31 weeks to go....